Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

Information on this page follows the SASB water utilities and services reporting standard.  

SASB standards enable consistent disclosure of material sustainability information mainly for companies in the United States. As many of our shareholders are located in North America we are publishing comparable SASB data here on our corporate website. This covers the main SASB data points for the water utilities and services industry of which we are part.

We already integrate many of these metrics in our Annual Report but to make it easier for those searching for the information we will be publishing the data here, in one table. We provide updates to the data below once a year following our March end of year reporting cycle. The current data is for 2023/2024 unless stated otherwise.

  • Total energy use for 2023/24 was 988.7 GWh
    Total electricity purchased: 657.7 GWh
    Percentage of electricity sourced that was renewably generated: 100%

    Our energy management strategy has four objectives:
    Efficient use of energy;
    Maximising self-generation and direct supply opportunities;
    Reducing costs (through time of use); and
    Supply resilience to ensure we can deliver our services.

    Each year we serve a growing population, driving increased energy use as we strive to achieve environmental performance targets. We seek to mitigate this through our energy management programme and in recent years have maintained consistent energy use in the face of these considerable upward pressures. You can find out more by reading our energy and carbon report on page 75 of our 2024 Integrated Annual Report.

  • Building on our long-standing approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation, we integrate consideration of climate related risks and opportunities directly into our business planning to influence strategy and behaviours throughout the organisation.

    You can read more about how we identify, assess and manage climate related risks in our 2024 Integrated Annual Report on pages 55-59 and more about our adaptation and mitigation plans here.

  • Zero - According to Environment Agency classification United Utilities does not have any areas categorised as water stressed. You can find out more about the water stressed areas here.

  • Reservoir sources
    Number of impounding reservoirs: 46
    Water from impounding reservoirs: 1235.38Ml/d
    Providing 62.35% of water input

    River sources
    Number of river abstractions: 18
    Water from river abstractions: 613.32Ml/d
    Providing 30.96% of water input

    Groundwater boreholes
    Number of groundwater works excluding managed aquifer recharge water supply schemes: 61
    Water from groundwater works, excluding managed aquifer recharge water supply schemes: 132.64Ml/d
    Providing 6.69% of water input

    For more detail see Annual Performance Report tables 2024: 5A

  • Our Water Resources Management Plan 2024 defines our strategy to achieve a long-term, best value and sustainable plan for water supplies in the North West. It is developed, with customers and stakeholders, to ensure that we have an adequate supply to meet demand over the next 25 years. 

    We have clear commitments and set out what we plan to do to improve water quality performance in our 2023/24 Annual Performance Report pages 35-40 and ensuring a reliable supply of water now and in the future on pages 41-54. You can download our 2023/24 Annual Performance Report here.

  • Zero - We have no customers supplied by recycled water.

    As part of our long term plans we have assessed the use of recycled water i.e. waste water converted into potable water. This is currently not appealing to customers and proves more expensive than our other options.

    We detail our water efficiency activity and what we are doing to reduce per capita consumption in our 2023/24 Annual Performance Report page 48. This is largely about changing our customers behaviour trying to get them to conserve or recycle water. 

  • Discharge permit compliance (numeric) (STW & WTW)

    For 2023 is 99.0% numeric discharge permit compliance – this is rated as green

    • 374 permitted discharge outlets from STW – 98.9% compliance (4 non-compliant STW)
    • 14 permitted discharge outlets from water treatment works (WTW) – 100% compliance (0 non-compliant WTW)
    • performance was better than the sector (98.8%) for numeric discharge permit compliance
    • 1 of 6 companies (out of 9) to be rated green

    The UK government's water and sewerage Environmental Performance Assessment (EPA) for United Utilities 2023.

  • The company works extensively in partnership with regulators and local and regional environmental and special interest groups to identify and mitigate releases of pollutants detrimental to the Environment. Some examples of concurrent activities which the company is leading on or participating in include:

    • Commitments to kick start a river revival over the next three years. The four-point plan sets out that we will; make sure the company’s operations progressively reduce impact to river health; be open and transparent about its performance and plans; make rivers beautiful, supporting others to improve and care for them; and create more opportunities for everyone to enjoy rivers and waterways. Find out more about Better Rivers: Better North West here.
    • Participation in a multi-phase Chemical Investigation Programme identifying new chemicals in domestic sources, quantifying their prevalence in the environment itself and trialling new technologies to assess their efficacy at removal.
    • Ongoing participation in annual Pollution Inventory Returns contributing to the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register. Quantifying pollutants and the loads released to the environment from our facilities and identifying changes in the nature of discharge composition over time.
    • A ‘No deterioration’ strategy looking at identifying areas with the potential to fall to a lower classification under the Water Framework Directive and proactively intervening to arrest any detrimental trend.
    • Trialling catchment based permits, which consider multiple treatment assets as a combined system rather than pollution sources in isolation. Intervention and optimisation is then targeted at the system including working with 3rd party contributors such as farmers to reduce overall contamination of the environment.
    • An industry-leading innovation culture of encouraging and testing new ideas, leading to adoption and better outcomes – prioritising innovative nature-based solutions, where practical. We will tap into the Ofwat Innovation Fund to work more collaboratively with regulators and other partners, unlocking more innovation effort to speed up the adoption of the best ideas.
  • During calendar year 2024 we reported over 385,695 sample results to the drinking water quality regulator (DWI):
    Acute health based violations: <0.001%
    Non acute health based: 0.025% (predominantly associated with customer’s internal plumbing)
    Non health based violations: 0.009%

    For more detail see our 2023/24 Annual Performance Report pages 35-40.

  • We carry out Drinking Water Safety Plan risk assessments from source to tap to understand any potential risks to drinking water quality. These risk assessments are kept under continuous review and include any emerging contaminants.

    As part of our ongoing assessments we review the latest research and identify potential contaminants of concern. If required, we will undertake additional monitoring to understand the risk. We also participate in industry working groups and research projects to assess the risk of new contaminants, understanding likely concentration and treatment options should they be present in the raw water sources.

  • 43,000 kilometres of water pipes - See page 23 of our 2024 Integrated Annual Report.

  • 423.0 Ml/d

    We have outperformed our leakage target for the 17th year running and with annual leakage at 423.0 Ml/d and a three year average leakage of 420.5 Ml/d the amount of water lost from our network is at the lowest ever level reported in the North West. For more detail see our 2023/24 Annual Performance Report page 42.

  • Total length of potable mains renewed: 21.0 kilometres.

    For more detail see our 2023/24 Annual Performance Report page 207.

  • 3,147,638 m3 per day arrives at our Wastewater Treatment Works, and 1,922,078 m3 per day is the volume of Wastewater returned per day through Surface Water and Highways.

    Find out more about our Wastewater services here.

  • 79,000 kilometres of wastewater pipes - See page 23 of our 2024 Integrated Annual Report.

  • Residential: £445.70

    Commercial and Industrial: N/A as we are the wholesalers

    You can have a read of our charges scheme booklet here if you want to find out more about our charges.

  • £37.14 - You can read more about our charges here:

    Our charges 2023/24

    To understand how we calculate customers’ charges, you can find out more here:

    Understanding your bill

  • Water:
    Household properties billed for unmeasured water: 1,607,778
    Household properties billed for measured water: 1,541,844
    Total household properties billed for water: 3,149,622

    Non-Household properties billed for unmeasured water: 14,246
    Non-Household properties billed for measured water: 144,362
    Total Non-Household properties billed for water: 158,608

    Household properties billed for unmeasured wastewater: 1,588,145
    Household properties billed for measured wastewater: 1,569,433
    Total household properties billed for wastewater: 3,157,578

    Non-Household properties billed for unmeasured wastewater: 15,432
    Non-Household properties billed for measured wastewater: 139,311
    Total Non-Household properties billed for wastewater: 154,743

    You can read more about the region we cover.

  • Residential
    Measured: 148,232,293 m3/year
    Unmeasured: 232,141,882 m3/year

    Measured: 129,528,524 m3/year
    Unmeasured: 4,496,895 m3/year

    You can read more about the region we cover.

  • Zero - We do not disconnect residential customers for non payment.

  • We seek to adapt the nature and scale of our affordability support schemes in response to changing economic and social circumstances. Recognising the cost of living challenges our customers are facing we have proactively taken a number of steps to identify customers in need of support and improve the accessibility and awareness of the help that’s available. We’ve increased promotion of the wide range of support available recognising that many customers who were just about managing to pay their bills before may now struggle to make ends meet, alongside our financial assistance schemes we’re talking to customers about metering, flexible payment plans, budgeting and the holistic debt advice specialist 3rd party organisations can offer.

    You can read more about our affordability programme on our webpages.

  • We do not offer different water tariffs. We offer water meters which aids with conservation and helping people pay. You can read more about water meters here.

  • 2831.95 m3

    Over the current AMP period we have saved a total of 5368.66 m3

    We encourage our customers to be efficient when using their water, by providing them with useful tips on how to save water, and access to free water saving tools. You can read more about our water efficiency programme here.