Colleague Training

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At United Utilities we have an internal training delivery team responsible for the identification, development and implementation of training across UU, to ensure we provide a safe and great place to work. A vast amount of our training and education programmes are delivered through our in-house team of experienced trainers and specialists, including many of our wide-range of award winning apprenticeship programmes. Our comprehensive training curriculums are focussed on the specific knowledge, skills and behaviours that our colleagues need to safely, effectively and competently undertake their roles, to ensure best service to customers. We use a range of delivery platforms to ensure efficient, effective and accessible training, including internally-created online content, remote delivery through digital platforms, classroom and practical assessment often at our purpose-built training facilities at 4 key locations across the region. We are committed to the ongoing investment in to the development of colleagues across UU- during 2023-24 each colleague on average completed 25.73 hours training at an average investment of £322.20 per colleague, with 2 examples of training programmes below:

Example 1

Trust meters, love meters – an internal development program aimed at supporting our colleagues to become meter ambassadors and building confidence by providing the knowledge to talk about the benefits meters can bring to our customers. Based around 3 main pillars of industry insights & trends, customers focus and commercial awareness this training program has resulted in a reduction of high measured bill complaints by 61% along with 27000 new meter applications, a 59% increase.

Example 2

The introduction of Salesforce across our customer facing areas has had a huge impact on the way we handle our customer contacts, improving our customers experience when contacting us and providing us with end to end visibility of our network maintenance related activity. Our training program was designed to provide our colleagues with the skills necessary to be able to use the new platform effectively from day one. We tailored our training to make it role specific, and by introducing scenario based training we were able to provide our colleagues with the opportunity to refine their news skills in a training environment built specifically for the launch, simulating workflows in a safe and interactive manner.

Our commitment to the training and development of colleagues across UU supports and drives our key purpose of providing great water for a stronger, greener and healthier North West.