
From our plants to yours...

At United Utilities we recycle over 360,000 tonnes of Biosolids each year, applying it as an effective fertiliser and soil conditioner to over 18,000 hectares of land, and across over 1000 farms each year.

We take great pride in everything we do, at every level of the service we provide, and constantly achieve our accreditation from the Biosolids Assurance Scheme.

Why not join us in part of our journey within Agriculture, from our plants to your plants, providing you with the nutrients you need, and bringing the world of recycling to your doorstep.

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Helping farmers grow

Delivering Biosolids for over 17,000ha of land every year across 1,500 farms, we offer our services from Carlisle to Crewe, Southport to Skipton and beyond…

From soil sampling to delivery, we facilitate every step of the way. Our field management provides ground protection for field access all year round.

  • Field mapping and Soil Analysis
  • Field risk assessment and nutrient planning
  • FACTS qualified professional advice
  • Field management
  • Ongoing post-delivery support