Open data ambition and aims
Open data is data that anyone can access, use or share. We aim to publish open data with a purpose benefiting organisations who can incorporate the data into research and innovation projects for the benefit of the wider community.
Open data principles
Our open data strategy incorporates the following principles and values:
The quantity of datasets will grow over time, selected by relevance and value-add:
- Our open data will be freely available and of high quality.
- Our open data will be published using a suitable open licence.
- Our open data will adhere to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).
- We will embed risk assessment and data ethics into our use and publication of open data.
Latest Data Sets
Peat Depths
As part of the Bowland, Water Industry Natural Environment Programme (WINEP), our catchment team, undertook an estate wide moorland vegetation survey, to assess the condition of the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
The data reveals the depths of peat in metres at a one hectare resolution for approximately 6,500 points around the Bowland area.
Annual Performance Report
We are publishing our Annual Performance Report (APR) data under an open data licence in a format that can be accessed and reused by all.