We can all play our part to help improve the water quality in our local rivers. From volunteer work to being more conscious of what you put down the drains, there are lots of things we can do to make a difference.
Here’s a few ideas to get started:
Stop the Block – Wet wipes, period products, fatty food waste – all of these things should go in the bin and not down the drain.
Septic tanks – If your house or business has a septic tank you need to look after it, and that will help look after the lake. Call of Nature provides advice on how to maintain a healthy non mains system and hints on what to look for if yours is not operating effectively.
Eco-friendly detergents – Ever wondered what makes a washing up liquid or shampoo eco-friendly? It’s all about using products that don’t contain phosphorus.
Misconnections - If you’re planning on some home DIY that includes connecting waste pipes to the drains? Check handy hints and tips here.
Let your garden grow – Gardens are great at soaking up rain. But paving, tarmac and concrete can increase the amount of rainwater that flows into the sewers. Leave space for plants and allow driveways to drain into borders.