Staveley event

Staveley, the story so far

In January 2024 we held our first public drop-in session to share our plan which included both short term and long-term interventions to improve surface water flooding and spills from the local storm overflow.

As part of the plan, we are committed to

  • Increase the treatment capacity of Staveley works
  • Contribute towards a council-led project to remove surface water in the village, as well as funding more SuDSPods at the local school and large buildings in the area to capture rainwater run-off. We also offered every residential property in the village a water butt. 
  • CCTV the entire network in the area to collect data about the flow through the network which will support the design of an integrated solution for Staveley's water management problems.   

Our goals

  • Reduce the spills of sewage into the River Kent to an average of no more than 10 per year on a 10 year average from 2029
  • Have no sewage spills on the streets of Staveley to current design standards which is a 1 in 30-year storm event

Taking action for Staveley

Over the past 12 months we have:

  • Increased treatment capacity at Staveley wastewater treatment works.
  • Completed a full camera survey of the sewer pipes in Staveley. The pipes were found to generally be in good condition.
  • Repaired a minor defect on Windermere Road which was repaired at the end of September.
  • Installed flow monitors inside the sewers which are capturing important data. These help us build an accurate picture of the flows in our sewer pipes and are key at helping design the engineering solution for Staveley
  • Handed out 150 water butts to Staveley community
  • Installed rainwater pods in the village and at the school
  • Held education sessions with the school
  • Kept the community informed with regular newsletters
  • Held regular catch ups with Staveley Clean Water Clean Streets Group, Environment Agency, Westmorland and Furness Council, Clean River Kent Campaign, and Lake District National Park Authority
  • During this time our engineers have been developing the long-term engineering solution for Staveley. Work taking place has included:

    • Ecological and wildlife surveys - to understand and identify areas where we need to keep construction to a minimum
    • Modelling – to understand rainfall and population growth to help design the best solution
    • Meeting the community - engaging with landowners and stakeholders to share our plans
  • We’re also undertaking ground investigations to understand the local geology and rock formation. We carry out various surveys to confirm ground conditions or the location of other utility pipes and cables.

    The surveys and investigations may involve digging or drilling small holes into the ground using specialist equipment or clearing shrubs and vegetation before the main work is due to begin.

    This work will not impact your existing water and wastewater services and we’ll endeavour to keep any disruption to a minimum.