How bills for households without a meter are changing for 2025/2026

Customers without a water meter usually pay for their services through a charge that is based on the rateable value (RV) of their premises.

Changes in tariffs 2025/2026 (including inflation of 3.5%)

  2024/25 2025/26 Change %
Water standing charge £80.22 £101.48 26.5%
Water charge per RV* £1.329 £1.668 25.5%
Sewerage charge per RV* £2.070 £2.669 28.9%

* Rateable Value for the premises

Example bill changes

  2024/25 2025/26 Change % Change £
Premises with RV 100 £420 £535 27.4% £115
Premises with RV 150 (typical) £590 £752 27.5% £162
Premises with RV 200 £760 £969 27.5% £209

The diagram below shows the typical unmeasured bill of £752 (2025/2026 prices) and how it is shared across the services we provide.

Water fixed charge (14%), Water RV charge (33%), Foul sewerage (33%), Surface water drainage (14%), Highway drainage (6%)

Every five years Ofwat, our regulator, sets price controls for how much revenue each company can collect from its customers. In 2024, Ofwat set price controls for 2025 to 2030.