Pensions calculator

Pension Contribution Calculator

This is your basic salary at United Utilities.
Maximum salary of £1,000,000 This field is required
Use the slider to decide what percentage of your salary you want to pay into the scheme.
3 8 13 18
You can amend your numbers above to see your pension calculations change below.

What your contribution looks like:

£{[{Math.round(results.EmployerContribution)}]}Employer Contribution £{[{Math.round(results.EmployeeContribution)}]}Your Contribution £{[{Math.round(results.TaxRelief)}]}Tax Relief £{[{Math.round(results.NationalInsuranceRelief)}]}National Insurance £{[{resultsTotal}]}   Total
Your monthly contribution £{[{Math.round(results.EmployeeContribution)}]}
Total monthly contribution £{[{resultsTotal}]}
Current salary £{[{salary}]}
Your contribution rate {[{contributionRate}]}%
Your contribution £{[{Math.round(results.EmployeeContribution)}]}
Your tax relief £{[{Math.round(results.TaxRelief)}]}
National insurance relief £{[{Math.round(results.NationalInsuranceRelief)}]}
Employer contribution £{[{Math.round(results.EmployerContribution)}]}

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