Our regulators

To ensure that you always receive the very best service from United Utilities, our performance must reach standards which are imposed by various bodies, listed below. All the UK’s water companies are subject to their regulations and enforcements.

Our Regulators



Ofwat (The Water Services Regulation Authority) is the economic regulator of the water and sewerage sectors in England and Wales responsible for ensuring the companies provide good-quality, efficient services at a fair price. Ofwat takes a leading role in reviewing our prices.

Consumer Council for Water

Consumer Council for Water

The Consumer Council for Water represents customers’ interests relating to price, service and value for money. It also investigates customer complaints about water quality.

 Drinking Water Inspectorate

The Drinking Water Inspectorate

The Drinking Water Inspectorate is responsible for enforcing drinking water quality standards in England and Wales

Environment agency

Environment Agency

The Environment Agency is an Executive non-departmental public body responsible to the Defra Secretary of State; it decides how much water can be drawn from the environment - plus it sets and enforces standards for the treated wastewater returned to rivers and the sea



Defra is the UK government department responsible for water policy and regulations in England and Wales; it also sets drinking water quality and environment standards (many based on European law) which water companies must meet