The environment

Environmental performance


We're committed to protecting and enhancing the environment and we've worked with the Environment Agency to target and improve our environmental performance in all areas over recent years.

We had achieved a four star rating in the Environment Agency’s Environmental Performance Assessment - the highest rating that the Environment Agency awards from 2015 to 2017.  Although we achieved a three star (good) rating in 2018, we are seeking to regain our four star rating this year. 

Read in more detail about how we are protecting and enhancing the environment


Protecting rivers


We have a role in not just keeping rivers clean, but in also making them better each year and we work closely with the Environment Agency, and Rivers Trust, to carry out this work.  

Between 2015 and 2020 we'll be completing a number of major projects which we have agreed with the Environment Agency, to help to improve over 300km of rivers in our region.


Keeping beaches free from sewage


Water at beaches and lakes officially designated for people to swim in has to meet tight quality and safety standards. A great example of our working with other stakeholders is the bathing water improvements we've seen through our partnerships with the Turning Tides and LOVEmyBEACH campaigns.

In 2016 all the bathing waters in the North West achieved their expected standards despite a forecast in 2012, that less than 50 per cent would do so. 

Find out more about bathing waters along our coast and the work we're doing with our partners.

Energy & emissions 


We set ourselves a target of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 50 per cent from the 2005/06 baseline by 2020 and achieving a 60 per cent reduction by 2035. We have already exceeded both of those targets with our carbon emissions now 71 per cent below the 2005/06 baseline.